The IASS organized by the Flight Safety foundation was held in Dublin from the 23 to the 25 October 2017.

The summit brought together safety experts from around the world to exchange information and propose new directions for safety and risk management in the aviation sector.
As part of the conference, Ian Crook, ISA Europe’s managing director gave a presentation on “Integrating live ATM data sources and SWIM in support of safety/risk performance assessment” summarized below:

FAA and EUROCONTROL have been cooperating in the development of a shared web-platform (ISAM/IRiS) to provide an integrated aviation risk model for safety performance evaluation. Work is now underway to produce a more detailed safety analysis capability that operates in a data rich, high network speed environment. The platform will support near-real-time automated quantification of risk models to provide an emergent risk monitoring capability for FAA, EUROCONTROL and European ANSP. This requires access to current high quality ATM data, continuous data acquisition and storage and suitable automation tools to inform risk models to address:
• Use of integrated data streams (including SWIM) to detect unsafe trends and identify mitigation actions
• Monitoring of identification of precursors which were the likely causes of safety events
• Use of performance-based safety indicators to report successful safety actions (compared to compliance-based incident reporting)
• Appropriate System-wide reaction to generic or local reaction to regional issues
• How safety related changes would challenge the safety improvements of the NextGen and SESAR programmes
A prototype application that uses ATM and SWIM data and links automated safety event detection tools with the ISAM/IRiS analytical structure is being developed to support the management of safety performance.
The presentation will show how the platform currently consumes ATM/SWIM data for Radar tracks (ASDE-X, NOP, Asterix62 …), Flight plan (NM), Weather, Airport surface movement data from US and EU SWIM including STDDS, SFDPS, WARP and NM B2B services and ANSP data and supports automated detection of candidate events for surface, terminal, en-route and wake incidents.

To read more about the IASS summit, please visit Flight safety foundation website.